Thursday, March 21, 2013

Falling Slowly

Irish singer Glen Hansard keeps showing up in my life. Not in creepy way. He's not knocking on my door, nor do I know him personally. He just keeps popping up. We've seen him in concert a few times, opening for Eddie Vedder's solo show and for Pearl Jam's 20th anniversary concert. He's probably best known for his song "Falling Slowly," featured in the movie "Once" (where he stars as an Irish busker...not a stretch). On St. Patrick's Day, I sat on the couch with a cup of coffee and watched the Sunday Morning show, like I always do. And there was Glen. Talking about his days as a busker, winning on Oscar (which he gave to his mom) for "Falling Slowly" and a Broadway musical version of "Once" that won a bunch of Tonys last year.

So, I looked up my favorite "Falling Slowly" clip where Glen Hansard and Eddie Vedder sing together at PJ 20 at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin. Hot Husband was right up front for that. (I was shopping around Lake Geneva for a coat, socks and waterproof clogs, because I was cold.)

As many times as I've watched that clip (and have kicked myself for not being there), I finally heard some words that I haven't been able to get out of my head all week:

"You have suffered enough and warred with yourself. It's time that you won."

How much have I warred with myself? A LOT. For anyone who is suffering--with or from anything--these words are healing. If you don't want to listen to the whole song (although it's awesome), skip to the 3:30 mark. I could write 40,000 words, and they wouldn't be as powerful as these 13. And Vedder's victory pose after singing them just makes them even better.